Artist Profile
Profile - Writings - Press
Education (In order of importance to the artist)
Licenciatura in Fine Arts.University of Costa Rica. 1983.
Master in Fine Arts. George Washington University. USA. 1988-1992.
Research in Japanese performing arts. Kyoto Seika University. Japan.
Certification in etching and drawing. École des Beaux Arts and École des Arts and Décoratives. Paris, France. 1987-1988.
Awards and Grants
Artist Residency on Climate Change. "Next Seasson" 2021.
National Prize Francisco Amiguetti 2020.
PROARTES. Prize by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. Costa Rica. 2010.
1st Prize in Painting. First Biennial of Contemporary Art. Chapingo, México. 2008.
National Prize “Aquileo J. Echeverría.” Costa Rica. 1998 y 2003.
Japan Foundation Scholarship. Kyoto Seika University. Japan. 1999 – 2000.
Nominated as best video of the year: “Signs.” Film and Video Annual Contest. Costa Rica. 2002.
1st y 3rd Prize. First Sports Biennial. Costa Rica. 1998.
Fulbright Scholarship. George Washington University. USA. 1988 – 1992.
French Government Scholarship. École des Beaux Arts y École des Arts Décoratives. Paris, France. 1987–1988.
Statement of Appreciation as an Artist. National Council of Hispanic Women. USA. 1992.
Selected as “Invited Artist.” Arlington Public School System Virginia, USA. 1991 and 1992.
“Lloyd Krieger” in printmaking. George Washington University. USA. 1990.
Japan Foundation Scholarship. Kyoto Seika University. Japan. 1999-2000.
DbD Experience. Workshop with Rachel Rosenthal. California, USA. 2010.
Photo-Printmaking workshop. Estudio Luis Camnitzer. Valdotavo, Italy. 1995.
For the Record: Making and Documenting Performance Arts. Workshop with Coco Fusco. FAWC, Provincetown.
Massachusetts, USA. 2014.
Dramaturgy of Dress. Workshop with Cordelia Dvörak. Casa del Teatro. Mexico. 2000.
Open Engagemenet Conference: Life/Work. Queens Museum USA. 2014
Creative Time Summit: Art, Place & Dislocation in the 21st Century City. NYC, USA. 2013.
Creative Time Summit: Confronting Inequity. NYC, USA. 2012.
Art at Large: Art Making in the Long View. MoMA. NYC, USA.2013.
Fourth Biennial Conference: Expanding Perspectives in American Art. Smithsonian Latino Center. Washington DC, USA. 2013.
Theater of the Opressed. Workshop with Gio Britto. MoMA. NYC, USA. 2013.
Contemporary Art Forum: The Curative Object. MoMA. USA. 2014.
Symposium of Latin American Theater. San Cayetano Monastery. House of the Theater. México. 2000.
Thought and Curatorial Practice I and II workshops. Teorética. Costa Rica. 2013
Workshop of Curatorship in Sound Art and Audiovisual Art. CCE. Costa Rica. 2014.
Theater Direction. Workshop with Iven of Odin Teatret. Costa Rica. 2010.
Theater. Workshop with Hector Mendoza. Costa Rica. 1997.
Butoh Dance. workshop. Kyoto. Japan. 2000.
Most Important Individual and Collective Exhibits
"The Embrace (Long beforethe death of the lats tree... a forest has already desapeared)". "Next Seasson". Museum of Contemporary Art & Design. Costa Rica. 2021.
"How do we look ourselves in the mirror? Do we defend institutionalidad? Museum of Contemporary Art & Design. Costa Rica. National Prize Francisco Amiguetti. 2020.
"Have you heard? Have you fekt it? Museo Calderón Guardia. Costa Rica. 2019.
"The Border: Immigrants. Children's Museum. Costa Rica. 2018.
"Translucid Seeds" exhibition of contemporary art & archeology. About Indigenous Costa Rican women yesterday & today. National Museum of Costa Rica in its 130th anniversary. 2017.
"National Salon 2017" Museum of Costa Rican Art. San José. 2017.
"Reflexions" Series of paintings & drawings "The Border". About the Syrian migrants & refugees 2015. San José Costa Rica. 2015.
“Vulnerable/Load.” Itinerant Installation. Ciudadanas en movimiento. La conquista del sufragio 1888–1953. CIICLA XX Aniv.+Museo. University of Costa Rica. 2014.
“People” and “Three Dots.” Paint on felt. Escalas. Group show. National Art Festival 2013. Design Artes Villa Colón. Costa Rica. 2013.
“Heart,” “Someone I Saw,” and “Evidences.” Books on paper and fabric. Libro Arte. Group show. Curator: Rolando Castellón.
Alternativa Gallery. Costa Rica. 2012.
“In Red.” Paint and collage on fabric. Subasta Marte. Group show. El Salvador. 2011.
“Self-Portraits: Of Whom?” Installation and performance. University Veritas. Costa Rica. 2011.
“Heart.” Drawings, paintings, and performance. Omar Dengo Foundation. Costa Rica. 2011.
Reflect-Action. Book and art exhibit. Symposium by ARS Aporia. Ithoen Gallery. Osaka, Japan. 2010.
“The Verb that Fills the Space.” Installation-scenography and performances. Touring project. Museum of Contemporary Art and
Design, PROARTES and National Museum Costa Rica. 2010.
"Gesture on Felt". Paintings, drawings and performances (“Kyrie Eleison” and “About Connection and Time.”) Alternativa Gallery.
Costa Rica. 2010-2011.
“Encounter” and “Couple.” Drawing on paper and paint. VI Euro-American Art Exhibition 2010. Group show. Campeche. Mexico.
“Convergences.”Workshop and installation at Juvenile Correctional Zurquí. Museum of Contemporary Art and Design. Costa Rica.
“Fluidity.” Exhibit and performances. National Theatre. Costa Rica. 2009.
“Earth inside - Earth outside.” Paint and collage on fabric. International Contemporary Art Biennial of Chapingo. Group show. Mexico.
“Rock.” Drawing of acrylic and collage on paper. Image of Spain. Group shows (Spain, Taiwan and Argentina). 2007.
“Paths, encounters…rites.” Installation and performance. National Theater. Costa Rica. (Celebration of San José: Ibero American
of Culture). 2006.
“Signsonmymother.” Series of sculptures, drawings and performances. Touring project. San Ramón Museum and University Veritas.
Costa Rica. 2006.
“Blooming Rock.” Installation. Dreams and Conflicts. Group show. Participation at 50th Edition of the Venice Biennial. Italy. 2003.
“The Contented Root of My Shadow.” Installation and performances. Museum of Costa Rican Art. Costa Rica. 2003.
“Signs.” Installation, videos, and performance. After 9/11, USA. Enrique Echandi Gallery. Costa Rica. 2002.
“My Great-grandparents.” Acrylic on fabric. 40 Costa Rican Artists. Group show. Museum of Children. Costa Rica. 2002.
“Of Transparencies and Spaces.” Books, paintings, installation. Costa Rican-North American Institute. Costa Rica. 2001.
“Behind-Screens.” Installation, books, and performances. Sowaka Gallery. Kyoto, Japan. 2000.
“About Abuse.” Estandarte Biennial. Group show. Tijuana. Mexico. 2000.
“About the other, the being and the scene.” Installation and performances. National Gallery of Contemporary Arte. Museum of
Costa Rican Art. Costa Rica. 1998.
Series of 20 teatrinos. About Hope. UNICEF and University of Costa Rica. Costa Rica. 1998.
Various titles. Drawings, books, and paintings. Sobre lo Gestual. Monumental installation and performance. Peruvian-North American Institute. Historical Center. Lima, Peru. 1997.
Various titles. Drawings, books, and paintings. Books and drawings by Rossella Matamoros. Corriente Alterna. Peru.
“My Aunts.” Acrylic on paper. Drawings. Group exhibit. Museum of the Central Bank. Costa Rica.
Various titles. Drawings, books, paintings, and performance. About the drawing and gesture. Peruvian-North American Institute.
Lima, Peru. 1997.
“Characters.” Drawings. Drawing Biennal. Group show. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
“Friendship.” Photo printmaking. Luis Camnitzer students. Group show. Palazzo Cordatti. Barga, Italy.
“Dances.” Acrylic on paper. Permanent Collection. Group show. Museum of Contemporary Art and Design. Costa Rica.
Various titles. Drawings and paintings. Fine Arts Board of Trustees Gallery. Guatemala. 1994.
Various titles. Drawings and paintings. Cultural House. Coyoacán. Mexico. 1993.
Four Monumental Paintings. Acrylic on canvas. Eight paths to a journey. Group show. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. USA. 1992.
Various titles. Paintings and drawings. Rossella Matamoros, Five Years in Washington, DC. Inter-American Development Bank Gallery. Washington DC., USA. 1992.
“Day and Night” and “Mounsters.” Etching on metal. Paintings 91. Group show. Arlington Arts Center. Curator: Susana Torruela
(Museo del Barrio in NY). Virginia, USA. 1991.
“The Aurelianos.” Mono copy. Contemporary Costa Rican Art. Group show. International Monetary Fund. Washington DC., USA. 1991.
Various titles. Drawings and etchings. García Monge Gallery. National Theater. Costa Rica. 1990.
Various titles. Drawings. Dessins by Rossella Matamoros. George Bernanos Gallery. Paris, France. 1988.
Performances and Set Design
"The Embrace (Long before the death of the lats tree... a forest has already desapeared)". "Next Seasson". Museum of Contemporary Art & Design. 2021. Costa Rica.
"How do we look ourselves in the mirror? Do we defend institutionalidad? 4 performances: In the same boat?, What do you feel?, How did I get here & Line of life?. Museum of Contemporary Art & Design. 2020. Costa Rica. National Prize Francisco Amiguetti.
"Have you heard? Have you fekt it?" 10 with the public, performances Museo Calderón Guardia. 2019. Costa Rica.
"The Border: Immigrants". "The Beast". Children's Museum 2018. Costa Rica.
Participant at the Venice Biennial 57th, group performances: Jelili Atiku's & Anna Halprin's. Italy 2017.
Participant at the National Salon 2017 at Museum of Costa Rican Art. July - 2017 with the performance ''Under the Clear Blue Sky"
Participant at ITINERANT Festival 2017 with the performance Clear Blue at Flushing Meadows Park, Queens, NY. 2017.
Series of performances in different sites "Green Uterus", "Transluced Seeds", "Ancestral Roots" & "Linked to Eve" among others, part of the exhibition "TRANSLUCID SEEDS" at National Museum of Costa Rica (130th anniversary of the Museum). 2017.
Participant at ITINERANT Festival 2015 with the performance Heart at Queens Museum, NY. 2015.
Invited artist: “Brooklyn Bred 2: The Parable Conference by Pablo Helguera”, BAM Fisher Theater, Brooklyn, EUA. 2014.
"Burying Entanglements". FAWC in Provincetown at workshop with Coco Fusco. Massachusetts, USA. 2014.
“Burdensome Layers.” University of Costa Rica. Woman that liberates herself taking off layer of clothes during her life. 2014.
“Rio” by Carlito Carvalhosa. Group. MoMA. USA. Group performance where the text by Lygia Clark (My Sweet River) is read at
MoMA. 2014.
“ARTFLOW.” San José, Costa Rica. Wall and floor graffiti in public. . 2013.
Invited artist: “Academy of the Night Revelers” by Pablo Helguera. Group. EXIT ART. NYC, USA. 2012. Group performance inspired
by the XVI Century Academy of the Night Revelers in Valencia, Spain. 2012.
Set design (play). “Fuente Ovejuna” by Lope de Vega. Variedades Theater. Costa Rica. Mobil set design made out of recyclable materials.
“Costa Rica my Beloved Country.”Valoarte. Costa Rica. 2012. Civism and values of the contemporary Costa Rican. 2012.
“Costa Rica my Beloved Country.” Club Unión, Costa Rica. Civility and values of the contemporary Costa Rican. 2011.
“Himmelweg.” Installation for a theater play of J. Mayorga. Casa del Cuño. Costa Rica. About the concentration camps of the Holocaust. 2011.
“Kyrie Eleison.” Alternativa Gallery. Costa Rica. Introspection. 2011.
“From the Center.” Opening of La Antigua Aduana. Museum of Costa Rican Art. Costa Rica. 2011.
“Self-Portraits: Of Whom?” Performance with teenagers. University Veritas. Costa Rica. Reflection about the social process of the teenager. 2011.
“Heart.” Performance. Omar Dengo Foundation. Costa Rica. Connection between heartbeat and creativity. 2011.
“My Life in Three Minutes.” Rachel Rosenthal. DbD. workshop. Los Angeles, CA, USA. Description of my life in three minutes. 2010.
“The Verb that Fills the Space.” Direction, scenic conception and performances: graphic, dance, and music. Museum of
Contemporary Art and Design, San Agustín Festival, Las Esferas Festival en Palmar Sur. Costa Rica. 2010.
“Passages.” Valuarte Project. La Antigua Aduana. Costa Rica. Psicologycal stages of abuse. 2010.
“About Connection and Time.” Alternativa Gallery. Costa Rica. About existence and revelation. 2010.
“Fluidity.” Performance, scenic conception, and direction. National Theater. Costa Rica. About the developing a path in life.
“Techno-Urban-Expression.” Graphics performance, dance, and music. Institute of Technology. Costa Rica. Signs and symbols
of contemporary society. 2009.
“Graphic Improvisation.” Valuarte Project. Children Museum Costa Rica. Drawings on floor and walls.2009.
“From the Center” and “Blue Rock.” Graphic improvisation. International Contemporary Art Biennial of Chapingo, Mexico.
Monumental drawings on a 250 square meters space. 2008.
“Paths, Encounters…Rites.” Scenic conception and, direction. National Theater. Costa Rica. Rites of passage.
“Signsonmymother.” Scenic conception, and direction. University Veritas. Costa Rica. Woman that ties and unties herself up. 2006.
“The Contented Root of My Shadow.” Scenic conception, direction and, performance. Museum of Costa Rican Art. In the
primitive cave where I was born. 2003.
“Signs.” About 9/11, USA. Enrique Echandi Gallery, Costa Rica. The collapse of the Twin Towers and the following attacks in Afghanistan. 2002.
“They Did Not Understand, We Did Not Understand…Are We Going to Understand?” 40 Costa Rican Artists. Children
Museum Costa Rica. After 9/11 and the human behavior. 2002
“Improvisation OEA.” Drawing and dance. Organization of American States. Washington DC., USA. Drawings on dyed canvas and
dance in public. 2002.
“Of Transparencies and Spaces.” Costa Rican-North American Institute. Costa Rica. 2002.
“The Leaf of Air.” Set design and dramaturgy of dress. Play by Joaquín Gutiérrez. Vargas Calvo Theater. Costa Rica. Minimalist
style in black and green. 2001.
“Improvisation NMWA.” Drawings, dance, and classical music. National Museum of Women in the Arts. USA. 2001.
Improvisation of drawing and theater. 10th Latin American Theater Symposium in San Cayetano Monastery. House of Theater,
Mexico Theater workshop with prof. João Das Neves and use of recycled materials. 2001.
“Aperture.” Scenic conception, dramaturgy and direction (dress). Festival of Young Choreographers. National Theater. Costa Rica.
Inner dialogue of a woman.2000.
“The Other, the Being and the Scene.” Scenic action, improvisation, drawing, dance and, music. National Gallery of Contemporary Art. Museum of Costa Rican Art. Series of improvisations to develop images and promote creativity. 1998.
“About the Gesture.” Drawing and dance performance. Peruvian-North American Institute. Lima, Peru. Contemporary dance group
that intersperses movements based on graphic improvisation in public. 1997.
“The Rites of Spring.” Set Design. Igor Stravinsky. National Dance Company. National Theater. Costa Rica. Set design made out of
large canvases and acrylic paint. 1997.
“On Gesture and Drawing.” Drawing and dance improvisation.Peruvian-North American Institute. Lima, Peru. Set design made
out of large canvases and acrylic paint. 1997.
“AIDS”. Drawing and dance. Club Union, Costa Rica. Drawings on kraft paper in public. 1996.
Workshops imparted by the artist
Trauma and Recovery. Immigrant Movement International (IMI). Queens. USA. 2014.
Trauma and Recovery. San Ramón Museum. Costa Rica. 2014.
Installation for social high risk adolescents. Casa Alianza and Museo Identidad Nacional. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. 2011.
Installation “The Verb that Fills the Space.” Museum of Contemporary Art and Design. Costa Rica. 2010.
Book Share (Making books with everybody's images). Outenin Temple. Osaka, Japón. 2010.
Convergences. Correctional Center Zurquí. Organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design. Costa Rica. 2009.
Expo for social high risk adolescent. National Gallery. Museum of Costa Rican Art. Costa Rica. 1998.
Expos about Hope. Different areas of San José. Costa Rica. 1998.
Drawing. Corriente Alterna.Lima, Peru. 1989 – 1993.
Spanish docent. National Gallery of Art. USA. 1990 – 1993
Docent. Hirshorn Museum Washington, DC., USA. 1990.
Intern. National Museum of American History. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC., USA. 1991 – 1992.
Latin American Art professor. Georgetown University. USA. 1992.
Hispanic immigrant children and adolescents. Public School System Arlington. Virginia, USA. 1990-1991.